We’ve been getting a lot of questions about masks. Here are some things you should know to make it safer and more comfortable. Learn how to get rid of dry mouth, bacteria overgrowth (bad breath), skin breakouts, get the right fit, reduce the anxiety and get your kids to cooperate.
Healthcare workers to construction workers empathize with you, here are some great tips from them: 1. The mask should fit snug above your nose, and below your chin. If the mask bothers your ears or digs into your face, try one that ties or has two elastic bands behind your head. Buttons can also be sewn onto a hat or headband. 2. Choose 100% cotton that is thick enough to stop light from showing through it. Add a drop of peppermint oil to the mask base to ease breathing and comfort level. 3. If you have anxiety due to masks talk to your doctor and check out “Anatomy of an Anxiety Attack” for more tips and resources:
4. To eliminate fog, make sure the mask is snug, use soapy water or over-the-counter (OTC) anti-fog spray then dry glasses. A tissue can also be inserted under the mask at the bridge of the nose folded longways to catch air escaping. 5. Skin breakouts occur from wearing heavy make-ups that clog pores. Wash face before and after wearing mask and moisturize. Wash mask often or use disposable surgical masks. 6. Dry mouth occurs because we open our mouth to get more oxygen. Bacteria can occur due to long term dry mouth, which creates cavities and periodontal issues. OTC saliva substitutes (My favorite is Biotene lozenges), tongue scrapers and flossing can help. 7. Experts advise fun to help kids wear mask. Try colorful or superhero masks and play games at home like pretending to be a nurse, doctor or construction worker. Be safe and BE WELL!